The certainty coming from the look of the paint as it spreads or soaks is the immediate tell that it could be right. This is a centrifugal force. The inherent direction of the actions which apply the paint are lateral forces - this is drawing. If the summative force is a centrifugal one, the work has its truth. Decisions are lateral, results are centrifugal.
Corners in a painting contain forces: these can be: accumulative -coming out from each side; subtractive- moving in from each side: directional - following on from one side to another. Forces in a painting are perceptional and can be created by changes of detail (“visual information” available to the eye - note; not detailS as in smaller, defined parts of forms). These details induce sensations of movement. Detail can manifest itself as colour changes: hue, tone and temperature; facture changes: density, saturation and perceived or actual surface; scale changes: relational, elements, contrasts.